Online Advice Column Receives Critical Acclaim; Baby Boomers Find Resourceful During Crisis
Released on: July 18, 2008, 3:22 am
Press Release Author: Joe Perez
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: - the first-ever online advice column for the terminally ill and those who are close to them - will appear with a bold new design and a new easily accessible FORUM for readers to discuss their own issues.
Press Release Body: Washington, DC, July 18, 2008 -- Today, - the first-ever online advice column for the terminally ill and those who are close to them - will appear with a bold new design and a new easily accessible FORUM for readers to discuss their own issues. Launched by award-winning Vanity Fair contributing editor, Judy Bachrach, has, within one month of its arrival, met with enormous critical acclaim and huge numbers of readers, many of them Boomers writing in for the kind of advice they never imagined they'd need. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Bachrach, a longtime hospice volunteer, answers questions from anyone needing help - not just the critically ill, but their spouses, relatives, friends, lovers and co-workers.
Ms Bachrach is not alone in this venture; helping her are lawyers, doctors, therapists, and fellow hospice volunteers. Because of her lengthy background in journalism (she previously worked for both the Washington Post and the Washington Star), she knows how to find answers to very difficult questions. She named her new site TheCheckoutLine because it is the one area where no one's pushing really hard to get to the front. In late May she received the Obit Writer Award for her tribute to Ruth Graham (the remarkable wife of the evangelist Billy Graham), which appeared on Ms Bachrach felt compelled to launch her advice column because so many Boomers are these days facing critical issues with little support. The most common and hardest part of life - facing the death of a relative, a friend, or one's own happens to be the very area where little help is offered. Hospitals ignore the problem, friends and relatives often don't know what to do, and doctors seem embarrassed by their inability to keep everyone alive forever.
Ms Bachrach has the ability to be the advocate of anyone who writes in: to call around and find thoughtful answers on virtually any topic, emotional, legal, and practical. In addition to her tri-weekly advice columns, every Wednesday she'll also be blogging on such carefully researched issues as How to Tell Friends You're Critically Ill, What To Put in Your Will (and leave out) and How to Plan a Really Inexpensive Funeral. So ask away. will answer. Press release distribution by PressReleasePoint ( )
Contact: Joe Perez CEO, Zealous Marketing LLC Washington, DC 702.539.2900
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